Now's the time to recognize our outst和ing alumni!We are now accepting nominations for the Rising Star 校友 和 Distinguished 校友 awards, presented annually at our Spring Commencement Ceremony! |
You are an alum if you ever took classes at ECJC, EGC or EGSC. You are a part of the fabric of the college! All it takes is your registration at the following link.
Staying in touch with you is vital. 请 complete the 校友 登记 so you never miss a thing! We want to know about what is happening with you 和 want you to know what is happening on campus.
We offer regular, fun alumni events 和 you are always invited! We also publish our monthly EGSC 校友 Newsletter with news you will find interesting. 你将永远 be aware of the benefits 和 advantages of being a member of the 校友 Association. You may also contact 哈雷史密斯 with any alumni questions or updates at 478-289-2464 or 通过% 20电子邮件.
马特·唐纳森, Chair
AVP, Durden Banking Company, Inc.
五月or of Twin City, Ga
Lisa Fields Bertoch, Vice Chair
VP 和 Agent, Yeomans 和 Associates Agency
Membership Criteria
To become a member of the 校友 Association all you have to do is complete our 校友 登记 Form.
- Have obtained an Associate or Bachelor’s degree from ECJC, EGC or EGSC
- Be a former student who did not receive a degree
Purpose 和 任务
The 校友 Association is meant to support the mutual interests of the college 和 its alumni by fostering opportunities for each while serving, informing, 和 involving alumni in the educational process.
Membership Benefits
Members of the 校友 Association have access to a broad set of benefits through use of their Bobcat Card. To get your card, e邮件 your name, photo 和 邮件ing address to 哈雷史密斯% 20.
Current benefits include:
- 校友 Bobcat Discount Cards, issued free of charge, good for discounts 和 special offers at many area businesses.
- 的使用 East Georgia State College 图书馆.
- 九折优惠 College Bookstore.
- 的使用 college gym on the Swainsboro campus, free for one year after graduation, then $25 per month.
- Invitations to special alumni events, planned throughout the year, including an 校友 联欢晚会.
- Free 校友 Newsletter, to be published 3-4 times per year.
- Availability of 校友 Association 奖学金 to be awarded exclusively to descendants of East Georgia State College alumni.
给 to the college is one of the most meaningful things you can do – plus, it’s easy, with a lot of options:
Mail your check to:
East Georgia State College
Attn: 校友 Association
131 College Circle
Swainsboro, GA, 30401
The 1973年社会 was formed in honor of the year the college was founded.
You can donate $19.73 once, twice or up to 12 times annually—it’s your choice.
只是指定 1973年社会 在你的表格上.